Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cultural shock

The humans have to interact with people who come from very different communities, cities and countries.  All of these people have a particular language, folklore, and specifically other customs. In education, this culture shock to see when  the home culture to exchange with the culture shock that wants to impart school, also because there are children to come from other countries and bring a very different culture of our country.

Just like that, when I came to study to Santiago from Maule was a culture shock because Maule is a small village where everyone is known, there had not noise pollution, plus public transport is smaller and it´s paid with money not card as  in Santiago .Also people are more friendly , in exchange here in Santiago. I'm walking by the street and I not to know anyone. Gradually I been adapting to this place, when I arrived to Santiago I mistrust all the people and a little sad because I missed my family.

For example at schools we can to see that in the act of independence celebrations where the children immigrants from countries like Haiti and Peru have to participate in these celebrations as a Chilean more, which leaves reflected their cultures are not valued here, the school no incorporate their customs in these celebrations. When these moments come kids get bored because they don´t identify with our customs.

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