Saturday, November 22, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hello! , today I will to write about my experience of learning English at university.  For me learn English has been enough difficult because the process was very discontinuous, due to I decided postpone intermediate English, I believe that was not a good decision because now I have that pass yes or yes this course.

In the work  in class  we have  that write a blogs , I use the blogs for to give and share my opinion about different topics with my teacher and classmate. For example:  My music, book or  sport favorite, my experience in my career,  the environment , my  best  holidays, etc.
My English is bad en general , I need  increase  my vocabulary,  development more my grammar , also for me the listening skills and speak in English is difficult, all that because the basis that I had in the basic education  was very poor  I started to have English since basic fifth.  Besides the teachers were sick always, for this reason the school changed  the teachers.
 For improve these abilities :
First that all, have a positive attitude for learn English, all  is possible . For development my abilities :  I can to see  film  subtitling, listen to music in English,  talk  with people that speak English, learn more vocabulary through the read of different texts.

Outside the English class I do not  using  much English, only sometimes when I talk on Facebook with a foreign friend or when  I and my friend remember  that  we have to give the oral exam of English  in this moment we start  to make ask in English.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2014: Good and Bad Points

Hello! , today I will to write about good and bad things of this year that I been living.
The good things and my achievements in 2014.

• I changed   of house, from the house   of my aunt to an apartment. I pay the rent with help of my father.  In this place I’m  more calm and lees stressed. As I ´m living alone learnt to cook.
• In the intermediate practice I dared to do  more  things without fear of making mistakes, because  I had  a  good teacher,  she taught me  a lot.
• I worked  of prep cook  in a catering  and  I worked  taking care of  a  child in my apartment.

My bad situations of this year was that my grandmother had domestic accident the Independence day, where she almost broke her shoulder, but she`s with kinesiology therapy now.  The other hand I had to leave flamenco dance workshop because  I had  hip ache .

The things I did not do/ I have not done yet / I still have to do this year:
•             I  go backpacking the south of Chile.
•             I have that learn to play guitar .
•             I have that know  the neighborhood Lastarria.
•             I have to meet  with friends  that I  have not seen for  some time.
•             I have to go to the movies with a friend or go to dance

•             I still have that finish my degree seminar and  finish others  class of  my career.  Also  I have               that  share more  with my family. Enjoy the life!!!