Saturday, October 25, 2014

My favorite music

I love  to listen  to romantic music, I really enjoy  this music when  I need to relax. Add  because  the letter  of  the songs  are beautiful . My favorite song  is  “How is he” of  Jose Luis Perales, but I love  the version of Marc Anthony and Jose Luis Perales, together  they  sing  very  well.
I listen music of old singers as  Sandro, Leonardo Favio, Nino Bravo , Julio Iglesias  until  young singers  as Luis Fonsi, Pablo Alborán, Chayanne, Pablo Herrera, Sin Bandera, Enrique Iglesias, Manuel García, Andrés de León, Marc Anthony, Carlos Vives, among others. I like  this music  because that bring good and bad memories  of  moments very  significant  for me.
Also  I like  happiest music  , for example: Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Reegueton . I love music because these rhythm are very good  for dancing especially at parties or just have a good time with friends at karaoke. .  I prefer to listen to music instead of watching  TV because music makes me happy and accompanied at times  when I ‘m  alone  or I'm working .
I love going where a friend who plays guitar and sings very well,  when I go to see we sing romantic songs together, but I do not sing very well. With she I share some musical tastes. I’m  happy when she  sings me “How is he” of Jose Luis Perales.

  In reality I like to listen to a little bit of everything . The music cheer  up  the soul.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How green are you ?

The majority people learn about environmentally friendly practices on television especially in the canal  discovery kids where Doki ,a dog teach how to protect the environment , this especially information for the kids. Add in the school also teach someone environmentally friendly for example: recycle  of different material s, dividing in carton, piece of grass and  can.
Before I don`t recycle because  I haven`t  a place near to house for recycle, but now  In the or flat where I live , here there is a specific place for take out the garbage and there same  I can  recycle  the carton, papel , plastic bottle, can, piece of  grass. In addition I go to allow the battery to trash can for no contaminate. As well, I use for long trip the public transport and I walk when the route are short. Nevertheless, I will like have a bicycle for go to university.

For reduce the carbon foot print I replace a normal bulb for a low energy bulb, recycle plastic bottle, turn off the lights I´m not using, utilize biodegradable bags for trash and sometimes fabric bags to go shopping. Besides this I have heard of some ecological organizations such “Greenpeace” I support this organization because I share his vision and this organization help that our society become aware of the environment damage that we caused, the society need this small steps for make  at  home  with  the objective  of have a world more  to decontaminated.

Friday, October 10, 2014

My experience in the field

Today I will write to about my experience in the field.  I will be a teacher, my internship in the career consist in go at school or nursery school, I had been field in different course, private school and public school. The first year I went to observe class only, but after I had to make educational experience with children. In this semester I`m in the public school where I have to plan eight educational experience. Some difficulties in the internship is many children for classroom because there are some children to need more support and the time is short to support  every children.  Also the family work is difficult because children  come from  vulnerable home where sometimes they are suffer domestic violence or they are have economic al problem,  for this  last reason the family is more worried the work that of their  son.

 I like in the field is that I can do know different methodology, for example: Montessori, High Scope among others. Besides I like it because the children have lots of energy and are very affectionate. On the contrary  I don´t like in the field  is that we have to fulfill  with certain obligations imposed by the ministry of education. For example preparing children for test SIMCE, this leaves some subjects such as art and music that are equally or more important than others for the integral development of children.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My future job

Today I will tell you about the job that I want to do. My career is  Education , later I would like to specialize in educational psychology or also choose because I love language, I still have not decided. I don´t  have a clear idea yet, the psychology with  this I will provide me tools to work with children and their  family , because  they is essential in supporting the education of their children.

I would like to work of teacher at rural school in the sourth of Chile because here the friendly people and I would to see beautiful landscapes.  For to get someplace where no teacher wants to go, but if you get any good job I would stay here in Santiago. You never know what might happen later .I imagine working with children from six until nine years old. Also I would like to work on   Monday until   Friday. I like work   part-time   at the stars   then increase working hours.

I haven´t   my priorities in travel, but if I will have the opportunity of travel I don`t think.

I could outdoors work to take advantage   of space because the nature has resources that could to use for learn very things. In addition I could   indoors work   in the classroom.

Cultural shock

The humans have to interact with people who come from very different communities, cities and countries.  All of these people have a particular language, folklore, and specifically other customs. In education, this culture shock to see when  the home culture to exchange with the culture shock that wants to impart school, also because there are children to come from other countries and bring a very different culture of our country.

Just like that, when I came to study to Santiago from Maule was a culture shock because Maule is a small village where everyone is known, there had not noise pollution, plus public transport is smaller and it´s paid with money not card as  in Santiago .Also people are more friendly , in exchange here in Santiago. I'm walking by the street and I not to know anyone. Gradually I been adapting to this place, when I arrived to Santiago I mistrust all the people and a little sad because I missed my family.

For example at schools we can to see that in the act of independence celebrations where the children immigrants from countries like Haiti and Peru have to participate in these celebrations as a Chilean more, which leaves reflected their cultures are not valued here, the school no incorporate their customs in these celebrations. When these moments come kids get bored because they don´t identify with our customs.